Maintenance Care


Electric Vehicle

Please read the user manuals and technical information carefully before driving your new cart, and please maintain and operate the cart according to the user manuals. During the quality warranty period, please note the following matters:

  1. If total travel distance up to 2000-2500km, the new cart needs mandatory maintenance, also routine maintenance must be carried out three times per 5000km in future.
  2. Please use the lubricants which be appointed in “User Manual”.
  3. Only original charger can be used for charging the cart , or other chargers affects battery power and battery life and even damage the battery.
  4. Charge and maintain the battery according to the user operation instructions.
  5. Avoid a sharp startup, a sudden acceleration, so as to ensure safety. Do use the original changers or parts, or may result in ill-matched work.
  6. Keep to the designed load; make sure the vehicle is non-overloading. Avoid sudden braking as can as possible, and avoid emergency braking when drive with high speed. Please keep the tire pressure accord with the designed value.
  7. Do not change the vehicle structure or add subsidiary devices which the original vehicle design not include (such as add armor plate springs, additional electrical equipment, etc.), or the failure due to these modification does not enjoy the quality warranty.
  8. Please be careful and slow down when drive in rainy days or get across the plash , the damage due to the motor system enter water does not enjoy the quality warranty.
  9. Do not store valuables in the cart after the driver left, the sellers will be irresponsible for loss due to stealing

Battery Maintenance

  1. The surface of the battery, cables and bolts should be kept clean and dry all the way. If electrolyte leakage, wipe it by clean cotton yarn, and then rinse by water and then dry it. Note: In the cleaning process, water is strictly prohibited into the batteries to avoid leakage and increased self-discharge, which will result in a operation failure
  2. The battery connection must be good. Always check the battery connections nuts are loose or not, so as to avoid causing a spark or burn pole
  3. Any items are not allowed to be placed on the batteries, in order to avoid short circuit or damage the battery, the negative and positive pole are prohibited to connect directly
  4. The batteries must be charged in the same day after the battery discharged (no matter how long the drive time is and how far the travel mileage is), do not delay charge to the next day, also do not charge more than 24 hours. Otherwise, will shorten the battery life
  5. When the battery discharge, the electrolyte density will increase and the liquid surface op due to the water will electrolyze and evaporate (especially in the summer), so should check regularly and fill electrolyte or distilled water. When close to the full charge state ,the user need to adjust electrolyte density to1.280 ± 0.005 (25 ℃) by filling distilled water or dilute sulfuric acid whose density is 1.400 ,this dilute sulfuric acid is special for lead-acid battery. And the liquid surface should be flat with the highest surface lines. After finish these steps, continue to charge batteries for 0.5-1 hour, so as to make sure the liquid is well-proportioned
  6. Any impurities were not allowed falling into the battery. Water appliances should be kept clean to avoid the impurities into the batteries; 7. If will keep the cart leave unused for a long time, the cart should be stored after the batteries is fully charged, and recharge the batteries every two weeks ,the charging time is around 9 hours
  7. The battery life is generally one to one and a half year , after that period, the battery capacity will be a sharp decline, at this time please replace with new batteries. Must keep the all batteries in one group have the same brand, same capacity, similar voltage (after full charge, the maximum voltage difference should be no more than 0.1V).

Battery Care

  1. Keep and use batteries where out of the reach of children.
  2. Do not use batteries other than the designated purpose, it may cause battery leakage, heat, or explosion if out of the designated purpose.
  3. The battery are prohibited from disassembly, modification, destruction, strong impact or throwing, or may cause battery leakage, heat, explosion.
  4. Prevent the batteries from water, fire and heating
  5. Battery against short-circuit connections.
  6. If the total voltage of batteries over 45V, the insulated gloves and other safety measures should be adopted before the work. Or it may result in a hazard of electric shock.
  7. When make maintenance or measurement for batteries, keep a proper angle and distance between the face and batteries , do not allow facing the right top of battery.

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